Association of Legislators & Bureaucrats for Victorian-Tasmanian Relations

The New Bassian Plain

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Local Food Standards

Since 1991, the development of Food Standards in Australia & New Zealand has been uniformized under the Joint Food Standards System of the FSANZ Act. The System has been supplemented through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) as well as by Trans-Tasman treaties.

In the State of Victoria, the System provides for Local Government Areas (through their Councils) to exercise an extent of jurisdiction in relation to:

  • the selling, transport and preparation of all foods except of horticulture, eggs, dairy products, meat and seafood;
  • the registration of Food Businesses (incl. both making and selling of food) in their Area;
  • the Food Safety Program in their Area;
  • the Mobile Food Premises in their Area; and
  • complaints about a food or a Premises of thereof in their Area.

In the State of Tasmania, the System provides for Local Government Areas (through their Councils) to exercise an extent of jurisdiction in relation to:

  • the handling, including hygiene, of commercial food in their Area;
  • the Primary Food Producers in their Area;
  • the registration of Food Businesses (incl. both making and selling of food) in their Area;
  • the Food Safety Program in their Area; and
  • complaints about a food or a Premises of thereof in their Area.

The Voluntary Registrar of Victorian-Tasmanian Affairs is designated, from our Association, to assist in the local-level enforcement of Food Standards across the States of Victoria & Tasmania respectively.

Dispute Resolution 

The Chairperson of our Association is appointed as a person acting judicially in context of resolving legal disputes. The Chairperson is also authorized to lodge legal documents (including any contractual relationship) with the Judicial Board of International Law.

Following the Rules of the Association: any person/entity may request the Chairperson, through our Secretary, to assist in resolving a dispute.

As a general rule, the Chairperson will only intervene in a dispute which:

  • has stakeholders in, both, of the Australian States of Victoria/Tasmania;
  • the Chairperson has jurisdiction that is recognized by law (or custom) as appropriate; and
  • is determined, by the Chairperson, to not be prejudicial towards the Association.

Any decision in any judicial (or quasi-judicial) proceeding, when presided by the Chairperson, can be appealed using the International Court of Arbitration (ICA) under the Jabiyar Arrangement.


The Chairperson of our Association has provided funding towards resources for socio-economic development, including of tourism, with, both, the Wangaratta Community Engagement Foundation and the Central Goldfields Shire Community Foundation respectively.

To request funding from the Chairperson, please contact our Secretary via e-mail on: