Association of Legislators & Bureaucrats for Victorian-Tasmanian Relations

The New Bassian Plain

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115000+ years ago
1885 CE
1901 CE

115000+ years ago

For thousands of years, during the Great Ice Ages, the Bassian Plain had created an isthmus for the Australian mainland with the island of Tasmania (also known as lutruwita or Van Diemen’s Land). About 40000 years ago, the Aboriginal Tasmanians would arrive on the island by crossing through the Plain.

1885 CE

In 1885, the Imperial Parliament of the British Empire would constitute the Federal Council of Australasia as a legislative body which included the colonies of Victoria & Tasmania as well as Fiji and others. The colony of New Zealand would also be represented at Conventions in relation to the Council. During its meetings, the Federal Council was presided by the Governor of Tasmania from Hobart.

1901 CE

In 1901, a number of colonies would unite and form the Commonwealth of Australia with the States of Victoria & Tasmania having the highest number of ‘For’ votes in their respective referendums to join the federation. The Parliament of Australia would be inauguarated, by the Duke of Cornwall with 14000+ guests, at a Royal Exhibition of Melbourne.


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